Ready, Set, Go!
Anaphylaxis in Schools
For teachers, administrators and other school personnel, our online course will help you understand the basics of anaphylaxis, ways to reduce risks in a school setting, and the recommended emergency treatment.
Duration: About 30 minutes
Version: January 2025
Anaphylaxis in the Community
For people with potentially life-threatening allergies, their families, caregivers and others, our online course will help you understand the basics of anaphylaxis, ways to reduce risks at home and other places, and the recommended emergency treatment.
Duration: About 30 minutes
Version: January 2025
Anaphylaxis in Child Care Settings
For child care staff/caregivers, our online course will help you understand the basics of anaphylaxis, ways to reduce risks in a centre- or home-based child care setting, and the recommended emergency treatment.
Duration: About 30 minutes
Version: January 2025

World-Class Anaphylaxis Education Anytime, Anyplace

Are you prepared?
Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that has the potential to cause death. Fortunately, fatalities are rare and are often preventable. Learn at your own pace anytime, anyplace, from our interactive online anaphylaxis courses for the community, schools and child care settings. Developed in partnership with leading organizations in food allergy, anaphylaxis and online education, and evaluated by health professionals and educators, these innovative courses are designed to help you prevent and manage emergency situations.
Developed by Food Allergy Canada and Leap Learning Technologies, our courses have been medically reviewed by Canadian allergists. Some course content is based on information included in the consensus guidelines, Anaphylaxis in Schools & Other Settings, 3rd Edition Revised. The effectiveness of the online training has been demonstrated by research and resulted in two national training awards.